Spread Christ to the Nations. Think and Do Missions!
"I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6b
Living Spring Fellowship is a growing church on the move to empower people around the world ‘to move’ in their communities and nation. Whether you are involved in missions with a developed or an undeveloped country, or whether the country is near or far, one truth remains, every nation needs the Savior. God is calling you to make a difference that will impact the global Church and last for eternity through your involvement in missions.
Living Spring Fellowship is seeking to partner with churches and individuals with strategic initiatives in reaching the nations with the gospel of salvation. God has gifted you and He wants to use you now to bless and save the lives of others. Are you a doctor, nurse, teacher, builder, business entrepreneur, or a sports person. Donate just two weeks of your time and resources to touch the life of someone by going on a mission trip to serve and save and make an eternal impact for Christ.
Ways to be involved:
Go – There are several opportunities for short-term mission trips. These trips will introduce you to other partners and their work. Going to the mission field and seeing with your own eyes can change your worldview and help you to better understand the physical and spiritual needs of people everywhere.
Give – If you tithe to Living Spring Fellowship, you are already involved. It is the vision and mission of the church to invest in, and be active in local and International missions. Your mission giving provides for the growth of ministries, and for the financial needs for missions and missionaries with expenses beyond what they receive from their supporters. If you are visiting our website or our church we encourage you to think about supporting our mission.We welcome you to make a mission donation online now. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you!
Pray – While on the mission field, our missionaries are on the front line of battle. As such they depend on your prayers for sustenance and victory. Spiritual battles are won first on our knees. Through your prayers they will be strengthened and you will become a part of their mission. Together, your actions and prayers will help extend the Kingdom of God. Call 253.220.7790 to request the name of a missionary in service.
Seeking information – If you are seeking to learn and to know more about God’s plan for the world and how God can use you in his plan, visit and worship with us. You may also call 253.234.7790 and talk with one of the staff. Living Spring Fellowship strives to do missions among the nations.